Audience Lens™ Technology: The Key to Seeing Through the Eyes of the Consumer
Vizit’s patented Audience Lens™ technology gives brands the ability to tap into a new level of visual insights, making it possible to gauge the effectiveness of their branded imagery.
Vizit Team
5 min read
Oct 28, 2024
Vizit’s patented Audience Lens™ Technology gives brands the ability to tap into a new level of visual insights, making it possible to gauge the effectiveness of their branded imagery.
In the previous installment of our four-part blog series, we explained what predictive image analytics is, as well as the technological components that comprise it. We’ve also explained what Vizit’s proprietary Score measures, and how our Visual Performance Platform surfaces the very details that make an audience stop and take another look at a product or image.
But how does it all work?
The answer: Vizit’s Audience Lens™ technology.
While Vizit scores enable and inform the image-selection process for marketing, creative, ecommerce, and insights teams, it is our patented Audience Lens™ technology that sits at the core of our platform, giving brands the power to “see through the eyes” of their target audiences.
What Is Audience Lens™ Technology?
Vizit’s Audience Lens™ technology is the most unique component of our platform—they make it possible to predict the effectiveness of visual content for a specific audience in real time. At the most basic level, an Audience Lens™ is what Vizit uses to score an image for a specific consumer group. Each Audience Lens™ consists of a specific audience’s demographic, geographic, psychographic, attitudinal, and behavioral data. Some examples of Audience Lenses™ we’ve created for our brand partners include: U.S. General Population Lens, Suburban Mom Lens, High-Income Pet Owners Lens, and Amazon Shoppers Lens.
Each brand that works with Vizit receives its own set of customized Audience Lenses™. When a brand subscribes to the Vizit Platform, they receive a license for their specific Audience Lenses™, which can then be used to analyze and monitor images in real-time by multiple team members within Vizit’s Visual Performance Platform.
Building Vizit Audience Lenses™
Vizit relies on a patented multi-step process to capture and simulate consumer groups’ visual preferences within an algorithm:
Step 1: Data First, Vizit gathers data from multiple sources where audiences shop and consume visual content online. Every day, Vizit indexes new visual content for hundreds of consumer audiences from thousands of websites and brands across the world.
Step 2: Analysis Multi-patented technology identifies details of each image that correlate with positive engagement and interactions. These are called visual cues. Visual cues include subject matter, scenery, colors, styling, lighting, shapes, layout, and various unique image detail combinations.
Step 3: Learning Deep-learning algorithms are applied to understand patterns in visual cues that generate the most interest from an audience, effectively surfacing and cataloging visual preferences. As Vizit continues to learn from millions of interactions with visual content, our algorithms’ accuracy and effectiveness continue to be honed and evolve in tandem with changing consumer preferences.
The Result: The world’s largest and most sophisticated source of visual consumer preference data.
Vizit stores audience visual preference data and metrics from more than 200,000 brands and 100 million images in a unique database, making it the world’s largest repository of consumer image data. To date, our database has learned more than 1 trillion visual cues, encompassing details of subject matter, scene, composition, colors, styling, and other important visual elements that influence consumer behavior.
Every day new visuals are indexed from thousands of websites and brands across the world, and new visual preference data from hundreds of Vizit Audience Lenses™ are added to the database. This database fuels Vizit’s Visual Brand Performance Platform—providing real-time image scoring, insights, and recommendations from the view of different consumer audiences to help global companies build more powerful visual brands.
By building our platform atop our patented AI systems, Vizit is able to automate human-like perspectives and simulate targeted audiences’ visual point of view—bringing a new level of data-driven decisions to the image selection process. No other technology can provide the predictive insights our Audience Lens™ technology delivers in a matter of seconds.
The Key Benefits of Vizit Audience Lens™ Technology
Every marketing decision, including the image creation and selection process, should be based on data. Vizit’s patented Audience Lenses™ do more than simply analyze an image—they provide foundational insights for your brand’s visual communications and establish a new standard for measuring and optimizing the impact of branded imagery.
Vizit’s platform allows brands to centralize and harness their most valuable visual data to drive marketing, advertising, ecommerce, and product packaging decisions. With the development of Audience Lenses™, Vizit gives brands the ability to see every piece of visual content through the eyes of their consumers.
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