Visual Performance

First Impressions: Safely Laundry Detergent

Vizit analyzed Safely laundry detergent to see how it compares to more well-known brands in the sector.
Vizit Team
4 min read
Nov 25, 2024

One of the newest entries to the laundry detergent market is the Safely brand. Launched by Kris Jenner in 2021, the brand is a relative newcomer compared to some of the stalwarts of the space. 

How well positioned is this product to succeed on the digital shelf? We analyzed the hero and carousel images for one of the brand’s Walmart listings and compared them to the top 100 laundry detergent listings on Amazon to gauge how they stack up to the competition and how well they use laundry detergent image trends.

Hero Image 

The hero image for Safely racks up a very low Vizit score of 5.5. Why? Compared to the highest scoring hero images on Amazon, Safely’s visual is shot farther away and has a significantly larger white border as a result. It’s also much harder to distinguish the brand name on the actual product. 

The Vizit platform’s Audience Insights revealed the areas of this image that the general population would find the most engaging. Unfortunately, a lot of where the attention goes is empty white space. If the product were larger within the hero image, the attention would go to a more distinctive logo and brand name instead of nothing. 

The Image Carousel 

Many of the top scoring carousel images among laundry detergent products featured real-life photography of families using the product as well as photorealistic scenes of stain removal, detergent pods in use, and more. 

Safely has a few carousel images that score well among the general population. Visuals that depict the product with laundry accessories and other cleaning supplies earned very high Vizit scores. 

The remaining carousel images didn’t fare as well. While a few earned moderate scores, overall the general population did not find carousel images lacking laundry accessories to be appealing. What’s interesting is that the image with fresh flowers strewn around the products scored considerably higher than a similar photo without florals. This could be related to another notable trend among laundry detergent carousel images—scenes portraying the fresh scents of the product. Details that show off the “spring scent” of the product work well with shoppers. 

Final Thoughts 

So what’s the verdict on the Safely laundry detergent? With a few small tweaks, the hero image could be improved—zooming in on the product and having a more closely cropped visual could put it on par with the highest scoring images in this category.  

Carousel images have a strong foundation but plenty of room for improvement. Leaning into the laundry element with cleaning accessories, washrooms, and models could help the brand boost its average Vizit score. 

Learn more about the hottest trends in product imagery with Vizit’s Brand Attention Index.

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